Sunday, October 13, 2019

San Francisco, 7.2017: Gandhi and Knishes — A Photographic Essay

Allée of Trees

Art Show Beside Mexican Museum

Art Show, Jewish Museum Plaza

Bay Bridge from Hotel Room



Doors of Palace Hotel 
Edvard Munch, "Red Virginia Creeper," SFMOMA

Edvard Munch, "The Artist and HIs Model," SFMOMA

Door of Hearst Building

Eye-catching Victorian, Mission District on 24th Near Valencia

Farmers' Market

Farmers' Market

Gandhi Statue Behind Ferry Terminal

Knishes, Farmers' Market

Mushroom Stand, Ferry Building

Photo from Ferry Terminal Building 

Poetry Room, City Lights Bookstore

Richard and Yoshio, Slanted Door Restaurant

Skyline from Bay Walk behind Ferry Terminal Buildin

Zain's Liquor Store, Kearney Street

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